Sunday, March 4, 2012

Meet Me in the Middle Chapter 4

From experience and from reading Boys and Girls Learn Differently by Michael Gurian I have learned that students, especially boys, have a very difficult time sitting still for an entire class period. This makes total sense because I cannot even sit still for an entire class period. I am constantly fidgeting in my seat and doodling in my notes to expel some of my energy. Middle school students have probably not learned how to cope with the pent up energies, which is where we see classroom disturbances and behavioral problems. I love the various activities that this chapter mentioned for getting students up and moving in the classroom.

The activities and game like ideas mentioned on this chapter were so amazing! The seem like they would really get students to learn to material, but also make it fun so that they are less likely to become bored, all while getting them up and out of their seats. The simple ideas like having students bring work to a designated area instead of giving it to the teacher, clapping for each other, and designating stretch times throughout the lesson were are great. The game ideas, such as the Olympics with academics and the review beach ball also seem great. However, the game ideas worry me to some degree because of the volume level. The more fun students have the louder they tend to become, not the mention some of the running type games that were mentioned can cause a lot of ruckus. This is a problem for nearby classrooms. How can I make sure that my students are engaged in my lesson by using some of these techniques, but not irritate my colleagues?

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