Monday, January 23, 2012

Meet Me in the Middle Chapter 2

It is very difficult for educators to gain students’ attention and get them motivated to learn. Honestly, who wants to be forced to go sit at a desk for six hours and listen to adults talk about subjects that do not pertain to you? Some subjects in school were hard for me to get through because I did not see the point in them, and I was one of the “goody-goody” students. If I was struggling to stay motivated for classes, I can imagine the difficulty that every other student is facing. My job description says I need to help students succeed in my class and in order to do that to the best of my abilities, I am going to have to grab the attention of my students and get them to want to learn my material.

This chapter mentioned a lot of great ways to motivate students to learn. However, I feel students will want to learn if my classroom is a safe, encouraging, and fun place to be. If teachers make a point to apply the material to students real lives and make them feel comfortable with the material, themselves, and each other, they will make the learning process that much easier and enjoyable. I want my classroom to be a place where math is fun and making mistakes and not getting the “correct” answer are learning opportunities to see how the math is actually working. There are math problems every day in the real world and if my students can see these connections they will be more apt to enjoy it and actually want to learn it.

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