Monday, January 30, 2012

This We Believe p. 27-33

“…for improvement cannot depend on any single person,” (pg 29). This quote sums up this entire section of reading. In order to have a middle school benefit its students to its fullest potential, every single person in that school needs to work collaboratively. Teachers, administration, parents, and students need to all be looking out for the best interest of the students. In order for this to be done effectively, the school officials should have a mission statement so that parents and students know what to expect from the school. The mission statement process should be revised on a fairly regular basis to keep up with new practices and parents and students should be involved in that process to make sure their thoughts are heard too.

Other ways to ensure that middle schools benefit the students is to make sure administration and teachers are up to date on the latest teaching practices and ideas that are out there. Just because something worked twenty years ago does not mean it is still the best out there now. It is up to the administration to set up effective teacher workshops so their staff is well informed. The tricky part is ensuring that educators actually get something out of the workshops. Programs focused on school improvement or discussions among teacher communities about some of the newest ideas are just two of the ways in which principals and administrators can aid in the professional development of their teachers.

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